Westbrook Lane Primary School - our vision, our aims, our values


Our Vision

Our vision is to build foundations for life-long learning in order to give children the knowledge, skills, understanding, values and attitudes that will prepare them for the next stage in their learning.

Our core values


Developing a positive mind-set is an important life skill. People with a positive mind-set believe that they can learn and develop skills, are more resilient and able to cope with mistakes and setbacks, and recognise the value of hard work in helping them accomplish their goals. Through our school ethos and values, and the experiences provided through our curriculum, we aim to develop resilience and a positive attitude in all our learners – both pupils and staff. 

Aims for our children

Our aim is to provide a stimulating, happy and caring environment in which children and staff can work to their full potential in developing skills, abilities and positive attitudes.

  • to develop knowledge, skills and practical abilities and have the confidence to use them in a variety of situations  
  • to encourage children to develop lively enquiring minds with the ability to question and think critically
  • to help children find pleasure in their work and recognise their achievements in a positive way in order for them to reach their potential
  • to instil respect for religious, spiritual, cultural and moral values, and develop an understanding of, and respect for, those from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds
  • to be able to work independently and with perseverance, and in cooperation and collaboration with others
  • to promote positive behaviour and a sense of belonging to the school and wider community – including our place in the global community

Themes introduced through whole school assemblies



Westbrook Lane Primary School - our vision, our aims, our values


Our Vision

Our vision is to build foundations for life-long learning in order to give children the knowledge, skills, understanding, values and attitudes that will prepare them for the next stage in their learning.

Our core values


Developing a positive mind-set is an important life skill. People with a positive mind-set believe that they can learn and develop skills, are more resilient and able to cope with mistakes and setbacks, and recognise the value of hard work in helping them accomplish their goals. Through our school ethos and values, and the experiences provided through our curriculum, we aim to develop resilience and a positive attitude in all our learners – both pupils and staff. 

Aims for our children

Our aim is to provide a stimulating, happy and caring environment in which children and staff can work to their full potential in developing skills, abilities and positive attitudes.

  • to develop knowledge, skills and practical abilities and have the confidence to use them in a variety of situations  
  • to encourage children to develop lively enquiring minds with the ability to question and think critically
  • to help children find pleasure in their work and recognise their achievements in a positive way in order for them to reach their potential
  • to instil respect for religious, spiritual, cultural and moral values, and develop an understanding of, and respect for, those from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds
  • to be able to work independently and with perseverance, and in cooperation and collaboration with others
  • to promote positive behaviour and a sense of belonging to the school and wider community – including our place in the global community

Themes introduced through whole school assemblies