Sport at Westbrook Lane Primary School

Sport is an important part of the curriculum at Westbrook Lane. Each class has two sessions of P.E. each week except Year 4, which has one lesson in school and one session of swimming lessons at Aireborough Leisure Centre

Each summer, we hold a sports day.. Our ethos is to help children develop the ability to support and encourage other people. Our PE teaching follows a Real PE scheme were focus on the fundamental movement skills of agility, balance and coordination (ABCs of PE) We also support the children in developing six key characteristics through sport - personal, social, cognition, health and fitness, being creative and applying their physical skills in different ways.

In addition to the regular P.E lessons, there are opportunities for children to engage in the following sports and physical activities during and after school:

  • Years 3 and 4 boys' football
  • Years 5 & 6 boys' football
  • Girls' football for years 3, 4, 5, and 6
  • Running for all children year 3 upwards.
  • Dodgeball (KS1 & 2)
  • KS2 Gymnastics

Physical Education - School Sports Premium


Since September 2013, all schools have been allocated a Sports Premium in their budget to promote Physical Education (PE), School Sport (SS) and Healthy Active Lifestyles (HAL).

At Westbrook, we already have a wide range of activities to engage children, both during and after school. We take part in a variety of inter and intra-school sports competitions, festivals and tournaments. Children compete in many local events and competitions as well as Leeds wide initiatives. Through opportunities such as these, children have progressed to represent Leeds in the West Yorkshire Games. We audit our provision and its impact throughout the year and new initiatives are added in order to meet our aims. These are:

  • to develop competence to excel in a broad range of activities
  • to ensure pupils are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • to engage in competitive sports and activities
  • to lead healthy, active lives
  • to engage in opportunities to embed values such as fairness and respect